Mail-in Registration and Payment Steps:
Step 1:
Carefully read the prospectus. Print it and complete the registration form completely and legibly. Be sure to SIGN the entry form. This form includes the same information as the online form. You do not need to complete the online form if you send in the mail-in form. By signing and submitting this form, you agree to all Terms & Conditions as set forth in the prospectus.
Step 2:
Enclose a check for $25 for the nonrefundable entry fee made out to VILLAGE ART CIRCLE. Do not send cash.
Send both form and check to: Lori White
4600 Wellington Downs
Raleigh, NC 27613
Step 3:
Prepare your images according to requirements in the prospectus. You may choose to attach image(s) to an email (preferred method) or send in on a CD.
Emailing images (PREFERRED METHOD):
Attach your prepared image(s) to an email sent to:
Put "Image Submission" in the subject line and be sure your FULL NAME is in the body of the email.
To send in on a CD with your registration and check:
See prospectus for digital image requirements.
Transfer image(s) to a CD and label the top of the CD (non-shiny side) with your name and the artwork titles and numbers. (For example: Betsy Jones / #1/ Art title, Betsy Jones / #2 / Art title)
CDs will not be returned and will become property of the Village Art Circle.